St. Francis Community Announces Franciscan Partnership Award

God gives each person a unique mission. Some are called to very public lives; others are called to quiet and simple lives. Some are called to use their minds in influential ways; others are called to use their hearts in special ways; however, each person has a unique mission from God.

St. Francis believed his mission was to live the Gospel, and in doing that, he reached out to and inspired people of all faiths in all parts of the world. At the end of his life St. Francis said, “I have done what is mine to do. May Christ show you what is yours.” And that is exactly what Father Joseph Bihn and Elizabeth Schaefer did. They cared for orphan children and the elderly and then became the founders of our Tiffin Franciscan Community. In part, Our Mission Statement reads, “Transformed by God’s love and guided by the Spirit, we continue the mission of Jesus wherever we serve, adhering to the words which inspired Mother Francis and Father Bihn: . . . whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did to me. (Mt. 25:40)”.

This year each entity on campus has identified a person or business that has significantly partnered with them over the years. On behalf of The Sisters of St. Francis Sister Joanne Lammers presented the Franciscan Partnership Award to FISH of Tiffin Food Pantry. The Sisters have been working in collaboration with FISH since its founding in 1972 to provide assistance to citizens in Seneca County in a variety of ways. Rich Kinstler, President of FISH, accepted this award.

On behalf of The Franciscan Earth Literacy Center Hannah Bumb and Hannah Watson awarded the Franciscan Partnership Award to Rob Malone, owner and chef of the Turntable Restaurant in Tiffin. Rob is committed to providing high quality Farm-to-Table dining experiences for people throughout Northwest Ohio while using produce from the Seeds of Hope Farm and other local farmers. Partnering with Rob, the Seeds of Hope’s dream of growing mushrooms have come true.

On behalf of St. Francis Senior Ministries Gabe Stoll presented the Franciscan Partnership Award to Marilyn Rohrbach, a faithful volunteer and a vibrant presence at St. Francis Home. The feeling of family, love and compassion that resonates at St. Francis Home comes from people like Marilyn, who give their ALL wherever they are. To know someone like Marilyn who cares about people has a lasting impact that only her presence can bring.

On behalf of St. Francis Spirituality Center Gene Chintala presented the Franciscan Partnership Award to the Reineke Family Dealership who was the main sponsor of the Center’s Christmas 365 fundraiser. Their partnership has enabled the Center to provide guests with an atmosphere and programs that are conducive to healing, reconciliation and renewal. The Reineke Family Dealership has generously supported all of the entities on our campus by serving on committees, donating time, talent and treasure. They reach out to others by caring for God’s people who are searching for comfort and inner peace.

Picture: Rick Kinstler, President of FISH of Tiffin Food Pantry, Marilyn Rohrbach, Volunteer at St. Francis Home, and Nikki and Dan Reineke.

Note: Hannah Watson, Farm Manager at Seeds of Hope Farm/FELC, presented Rob Malone his award at the Turntable on Tuesday since he was not able to accept his plaque at the event.