Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Toledo, Ohio

Mission Statement

The Catholic Community of Our Lady of Lourdes is a dynamic faith community of caring, loving people. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we grow in our relationships with God, others, and all creation. We worship God with grateful hearts; share our prayer, our faith, and our lives with each other. We respond to people in need through active service


Sister Ritamarie ministers full-time at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish as the Director of Music & Liturgy. Additional responsibilities include scheduling ministers, attending to the spiritual needs of those who are Homebound, and being an active member of the parish staff, deanery and Toledo NPM Chapter Board.

How to reach Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

 For more information on Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

contact Sr. Ritamarie Miller at 419.350.6786.

Check our Website:
