150 Anniversary, Photo Albums
Habits Through The Years
Handmade dolls showing the Evolution of our Habit over the years ...
Handmade dolls showing the Evolution of our Habit over the years ...
The history boards are being updated for the 150th Anniversary Celebration. Pictured: Sister Maureen Studer and Associate Judy Washbush.
Some of the committee members met earlier this week to prepare some mailings in preparation of the 150th Anniversary!
Kudos to Sister Carolette Grote who wrote the 150th Anniversary song that will be sued throughout this year. Committee members haven busy practicing the song at each planning meeting and teaching...
In celebrating our 150th Anniversary, we the Sisters of St. Francis of Tiffin, have given a donation in your honor, to the elderly and homeless throughout the area.
God of time and eternity, we pray with gratitude and joy for granting us Tiffin Franciscans these 150 years to praise you with our lives and our ministry.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope;
Sister Pat Froning treated the 150th Anniversary Committee to a special treat at a recent meeting. She made cookies using the original cookie cutters that the Religious Brothers made and...
1867 - November 5, Rev. Joseph Bihn begins account for Citizens Hospital and Orphan Asylum with $5,000 paid for farm.
1867 - November 9 - First property deed is signed by...
Until 1936, orphans, along with elderly men and women, were very much part of the life at the Citizens Hospital and Orphan Asylum. The children were busy. They studied for...