150th Anniversary Prayer

God of time and eternity,
we pray with gratitude and joy
for granting us Tiffin Franciscans
these 150 years to praise you
with our lives and our ministry.
We glorify you for inspiring
Father Bihn and Mother Francis
to establish this community
of Sisters, Brothers, and Associates,
and to lead us to follow the Gospel
and profess always that You, God,
are our refuge and our strength.
We thank You for the Gospel mission,
“Whatsoever You do to the least
of my people, You do to Me”,
and for our Franciscan charism,
continuing conversion,
urging us to serve our brothers and sisters in their needs and weaknesses.
We pray with Francis and Clare,
through Jesus Christ,
who lives and loves eternally.
By Stella????, Oct. 24, 2018